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Dr. Mogell Dental Blog

Boca Raton Cosmetic Dentist

Monday, January 25, 2010

Does it bother you that you might drool because of numbness after a dental procedure? Of course!

Does speaking normally as soon as possible after a dental visit is important to you? Certainly!

Would you like to be able to eat and drink as soon as possible after a dental visit? Is that important to you? Undoubtedly!
Really, who likes the way their face feels from being numb after a dental visit? Anyone? Undeniably this is one of the most annoying aspects of going to the dentist. I know how much I dislike the feeling! Well help is on the way!
Oraverse is the answer! It is administered to you as your dental procedure nears its completion. Mind you this is not a magic wand to ending your numbing sensation but it provides a simple solution for patients who want a quicker return to feeling normal. It has been shown to eliminate that big lip feeling anywhere from 47 to 67% faster!

If you have an aversion to the sensation of numbness, this is the answer for you. If you have any question about how we can shorten the period of time you are numb, please give us a call at 561-394-9000. We will make at your next dental visit that your numbness doesn’t dominate your day!
Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D.


Dental New Years Resolutions

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dental New Year’s Resolutions!

As 2010 begins to unfold, many of us make New Years resolutions, even dental new years resolutions are appropriate to be made.

Let us resolve to floss our teeth every day.

Let us resolve to brush our teeth at least twice a day.

Let us resolve to have our teeth cleaned by our hygienist at least 3 times this year.

Let us resolve to make sure our diet does not contribute to cavities or periodontal disease.

Let us resolve to remember that periodontal disease is directly associated to heart disease, diabetes, loss birth weight babies and obstructive sleep apnea. Keeping a healthy mouth can lessen the likelihood of these diseases.

Let us resolve to have an oral cancer screening performed annually. Oral cancer is one the fasting growing types of cancer. Dentists now have diagnostic tests that allow for early detection of this potentially lethal disease.

As Albert Einstein said “we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. Resolve to be a healthier person this year!
If we haven't seen you to get your teeth cleaned in a while, please call our office at 561-394-9000 and we will arrange an appointment that works best with your schedule to get you on your way to a maintaining a health mouth!
Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Root Canals…General Dentist or Specialist?

So you need to a root canal. Bummer! So do you need to see a specialist to do the procedure? Can you have your general dentist perform the treatment? Good questions!
For my patient’s I do complete many of their root canal needs. But like anything knowing one’s limitations is the key to success.

The number of canals in a tooth varies from tooth-to-tooth. A front tooth generally had one straight canal, whereas a molar can have 3 to 4 canals which are predictable curved or more tortuous. The twisting and turning of the canal, increases the degree of difficulty for cleaning and filling the canals. This is where the judgment and experience of the general dentist comes into to call. I have many peers who have taken countless hours of continuing education to perfect their root canal skills. I would be confident to have them perform a root canal on one of my teeth.

Personally I don’t enjoy doing root canals on molars and I feel my patients are better off having a specialist do the treatment. A root canal specialist, an endodontist, does root canals all day long. They don’t fill teeth, they don’t pull teeth, they don’t crown teeth, they do root canals and they are they do them well!

If you have any questions regarding root canal therapy, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 561-394-9000. We will arrange an appointment to discuss and answer your questions and concerns to make sure you receive the treatment best suited to your particular needs and desires.
Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D.


Questions about dental insurance?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

In today’s economy we are all getting fairly hard hit these days when it comes to the cost for health insurance. We have to ask ourselves, do I choose the HMOs, PPOs or traditional indemnity plans? And what about those Health Savings Accounts? Unfortunately our decisions are often based on what it costs. The same applies with regards to dental insurance. Are you getting all that you need to be covered to insure your dental health?

A good example of inadequate coverage is with TMJ disorders. Dental insurance barely pays for patients who have TMJ disorders. The might pay a fraction of the cost of a “bite plate”, but they don’t generally pay for TMJ
x-rays! You can’t rely on your medical insurance. They may cover you TMJ disorder…if you need surgery, but they generally don’t cover for the necessary non-surgical treatment that could prevent you from needing to have the surgery at all.

The other big issue with dental insurance is you are limited by an annual amount of generally $1000-1500 a year. Can you imagine if your medical insurance said we are only going to provide benefits your medical expenses for that small amount! OMG!

If you have any questions regarding dental insurance and how it impacts your dental health, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 561-394-9000. We will try and answer your questions to help you maximize your dental insurance and maintain a healthy denttion.
Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dental Permanency?

Like most things in life nothing is forever or permanent.
That being said often we see patient’s who has had a “permanent cap/crown come off. As it is said, nothing lasts forever, including crowns. So what do you do when a crown is displaced from the tooth it calls home?

We recommend that you call us immediately so that we can arrange for you to be seen so that if possible your crown can be cemented in again. More often than not that will be the case, but occasionally the crown can’t be put back into place. Why? Sometimes the tooth breaks or there is decay present that no longer allows the crown to fit on the tooth correctly. The sooner we see you after the incident the better the chance there is to correct the situation.

If you have any questions regarding a concern with one of your teeth or crowns, please give us a call at 561-394-9000. We will arrange for an appointment to answer your concerns and questions in a prompt manner.
Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D.


Can the dentist help you with your sleep apnea?

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sleep Apnea and Dentistry

So what does such a serious disease such as Sleep Apnea have to do with dentistry? As it turns out, for treatment of the disease, quite a bit! Sleep Apnea is a potentially fatal disease where during one’s night of slumber they can actually stop breathing. Often these periods of apnea last 10 to 20 seconds or longer and occur several times a night. The most effective treatment for Sleep Apnea is using a machine called a CPAP. This stands for continuous positive air pressure. A mask is worn by the person who is attached to the machine. During the night it is “pushing” air through the mask to forcibly keep your airway open and allow you to breathe unobstructed.

Trouble is many people aren’t able to tolerate the CPAP for various reasons, that’s were dentistry comes into the picture. Oral appliances made by a dentist trained to treat the person suffering with Sleep Apnea can be processed. The appliance, worn over your teeth, will gently facilitate moving your lower jaw forward to a position that prevent your airway from collapsing during sleep and allow you to breathe unobstructed.

The disease still must be diagnosed by a certified sleep physician, but the solution for treating the disease can be found in the dental office. If you have any questions about sleep apnea and how we can help you to begin getting a healthier and better night’s rest, please give us a call at 561-394-9000, we will arrange for a consultation appointment that will work well with your schedule.
Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D.


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

What to do when a tooth fractures?

We all have things that break in our lives whether it is a glass, a computer or even a tooth, accidents happen and no matter how hard we try some things just can’t be mended. Such was the case yesterday when I had a new patient referred to our practice. The patient called to make an appointment saying that she “lost a filling”.
Unfortunately, it was far worse than just that, as I noted when looking at the photograph that was taken of the tooth.

The sliver filling, acting as a wedge, literally split the tooth in half. The tooth needed to be extracted. This poses a problem for the patient, obviously she is upset about having to lose a tooth and now she has to make a decision about how to treat the area.

These decisions can be frustrating and confusing for patients. Options are limited after extraction; do nothing, place an implant or have a bridge made and cemented in place to span the missing tooth. All three are viable options and will work and ultimately it is up to you the patient to make a choice. This patient decided to have a bridge made.

If you are confronted with difficult decisions regarding your dental health, please do not hesitate to call us for an appointment. We will take the time to discuss your options and help you to feel comfortable with your ultimate choice. Call at 561-394-9000 and we will find a time that works well for your schedule.
Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D.


Dental Implants For You?

Monday, January 04, 2010

Dental Implants Are the Solutions!

If you have lost teeth and are tired of wearing a denture a solution for replacing those missing teeth are implants.

Dental implants are made of high grade titanium. The surfaces of the titanium are treated with various substances to enhance the growth of your own bone in and around the implant. With this bone growth the implants will then becomes securely locked into the bone. The act of the implant becoming one with the bone takes 2 to 3 months. After that period of time the implant is then fixed into the bone strongly enough to then restore.

Your choice of dental restoration will be dependant upon your individual needs. This would be decided prior to placing the implant so that the proper type and correct number of implants are installed.
Should you have any further questions regarding dental implants and how then can improve your life, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 561-394-9000. We will arrange an appointment to discuss your concerns and individual needs to get you on your way to a happy and healthier life.
Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D.


General & Cosmetic Dental Services in Boca Raton

Kenneth A. Mogell D.M.D.

We Make Beautiful Smiles a Reality in Boca Raton.

2900 North Military Trail
Suite 212
Boca Raton, FL 33431

Ph: 800.786.1497
Fx: 561.988.1102

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LVI trained cosmetic dentist, Dr. Kenneth A. Mogell D.M.D., has provided this website for informational purposes only. Please contact our Boca Raton, FL office for more information about any cosmetic and neuromuscular dentistry procedure. We gladly welcome patients from Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Broward County, Coral Springs, Deerfield Beach, Delray Beach, Palm Beach, and Pompano Beach, FL.

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